Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Outsiders

So, when I was in 8th, maybe 9th grade (yes, they had books back then), I read The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.  And in just a few short pages I fell in love with the narrator, Ponyboy, despite his quirky name.  He was just a regular kid with a crappy home life.  He just wanted the best for his family and his friends and would do what needed to be done to do it.  This was one of those books that you read and were angry when the teacher said, "Do NOT read past chapter #x" - You would anyhow and then hope that you wouldn't slip up during class discussions and give it away that you cheated and read ahead .  In just one book I encountered the best of characters, a detailed but simple (and sad) plot, some love twists and a touch of violence all while having to reach for the tissues by the end.  It's written for all readers - boys and girls alike.  I LOVED it. Still do. And don't even get me started on the movie in which every "hot" actor of my time had a part - some of whom are still making movies and wowing audiences today!  (That's the cover to the right)

Imagine my delight when I found out I actually would be teaching this novel to my classes.  My enthusiasm freaked out my students at first, but they quickly understood why, after "several" years beyond junior high, this book still stole my heart.  I NEVER had a kid who didn't do the assigned reading.  I NEVER had a kid complain about reading it - the only complaint I had was that I, like my own English teacher, asked them not to read ahead knowing full well many of them would.  Imagine their surprise when I told them it was written by a 16-year old GIRL who failed English class because her teacher didn't appreciate her creative writing.  

The Outsiders is timeless.  It will be reaching students for many, many years to come.  I hope my own kids read it some day and it becomes a classic all its own.  It's a quick read but it leaves one heck of an impression and it's my "go-to" book for those readers who come in to my library saying they don't like to read.  I should get more copies of it for my library.  It's just that good!  So, if you're wondering what you should read next, give The Outsiders a try, and if you like it, be sure to pay it forward and share it with a friend!  Ponyboy would like that!

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