My library has so much to offer, yet so many kids don't take advantage of the resources. Yes, we have books. Duh. We're a library. But we have so much more. We have magazines that date back to some pretty cool times in history, and we have microfilm that goes even further back. Microfilm? don't know what we have to offer. There are multiple computers, but so often I see kids never look further than the world of Google (I get it - I love Google too but...). Lying just a few key strokes away are hundreds of thousands of digital articles, essays, magazine articles, newspaper articles and journals from every topic from The American Revolution to the Global Warming crisis. It's like having 1000 libraries available at once - like one stop shopping :)
So, we do have some pretty cool books. A LOT of them actually. So much so that I've had to figure out where to put many of them. Not only do I actively search for some of the best new releases, but we've got some pretty amazing titles that have stood the test of time. I love a good work of fiction, and when I find one, I enjoy sharing my opinion with any kid that will listen, or any that will humor me long enough to act like they're interested :) Of the many type of books that sit on the shelves, we have much more than fiction or books about World War II - we have books about jobs you might want to have one day, recipe books on delightful dishes from all over the world, poetry books with works from teenagers just like you, short story collections, graphic novels, biographies, horror stories, nonfiction that reads like fiction (a big fav of many) and more and more and more.
There just isn't enough time for me to brag about all the amazing resources the library has to offer. But the best way to find out what we have that you may want to utilize is to get down here and check it out for yourself. :)
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